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Focus on

September 2024

Computo ergo sum?

The reflections offered here are not just about artificial consciousness but also an invitation to consider how we can ensure that artificial intelligences and robots are developed with a deep focus on the well-being of all sentient beings. Buddhist philosophy, with its principles of awareness and compassion, can serve as a guide to wisely navigate the complexities of technological progress, helping to realize the highest aspirations of our humanity.

Values and Mission

MindScience Academy was born from the spontaneous impulse, encouraged by His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama, towards the exchange and mutual penetration between scientific knowledge and other forms of knowledge, rooted in the tradition of religions and philosophical doctrines and in contemplative practice.

The activities of MSA are aimed at increasing this dialogue and pouring it into a place accessible to more languages ​​and more looks. To achieve this aim, our editorial staff tries to build a transversal space for research laboratories, academic publishing, realities linked to contemplative practices and a passionate public; transversal to multiple study disciplines and multiple methodological approaches; transversal, finally, to human cultures and identities and different modalities of experience.
