
Domenica Romagno

Domenica Romagno

Domenica Romagno is a Professor of Glottology and Linguistics at the University of Pisa, where she teaches Glottology, Greek Linguistics, and Neurolinguistics. She graduated in Glottology from the University of Pisa and obtained her Ph.D. in Linguistics from the University of Rome La Sapienza. She has conducted study and research stays at the Universities of Heidelberg, Düsseldorf, and Vienna, and has been a Visiting Professor at Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the CIMeC – Center for Mind/Brain Sciences at the University of Trento, Ohio State University, and Beijing Normal University. Her research interests include historical, typological, cognitive linguistics, and language neuroscience. Her research aims to understand the principles governing the relationship between semantic-conceptual representations and linguistic categories, through the study of the interface between semantics and morphosyntax, paths of linguistic change, organization of verbal systems and argument structure encoding in ancient and modern languages, and through the exploration of neuronal correlates of word classes and language processing mechanisms in the presence of brain damage. She recently developed a new battery of tests in Italian (published by ETS in 2020) for studying the neurocognitive architecture of language. She is a member of prestigious scientific societies such as the Italian Society of Glottology, the Italian Linguistics Society, the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, the Sodalizio Glottologico Milanese, the International Society for Historical Linguistics, the Société de Linguistique Romane, and the Societas Linguistica Europaea.

D. ROMAGNO, G. Rota, E. Ricciardi and P. Pietrini, 2012, Where the brain appreciates the final state of an event: The neural correlates of telicity, «Brain and Language, vol. 123/1, pp. 68-74.

M. Peelen, D. ROMAGNO and A. Caramazza, 2012. Independent representations of verbs and actions in left lateral temporal cortex, «Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, vol. 24/10, pp. 2096-2107.

D. ROMAGNO, L. Busso & V. Elce, 2020, L’architettura neurocognitiva del linguaggio fra concetti e grammatica. BISMoS: una batteria di test per lo studio dell’interfaccia fra semantica e morfosintassi in italiano, Edizioni ETS, Pisa.

D. ROMAGNO, 2021, The extension of a linguistic category: middle voice in Homeric Greek between subject affectedness, reflexivity, and possession, «Archivio Glottologico Italiano», vol. 106/1, pp. 3-42.

D. ROMAGNO, 2023, Ancora sull’uso delle costruzioni causative di moto in alcune varietà dialettali della Calabria settentrionale: principi semantici e variazione diasistemica, in: Dolores Corbella, Josefa Dorta, Rafael Padrón (éds.), Perspectives de recherche en linguistique et philologie romanes, Strasbourg, Éditions de Linguistique et de Philologie / Société de Linguistique Romane (BiLiRo), vol. 18/2, pp. 875-886.