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Training courses

The shared study programs represent the concrete result of the ideas that underlie the collaboration between the two institutions, i.e. offering a vision of reality that is nourished by different approaches and which, through integration, suggests rich and stimulating perspectives for the participants. The offer is varied both in terms of subjects and expected commitment.

Training courses

Master level I: Neuroscience, Mindfulness, Contemplative Practices – 60 ECTS

This program represents the first experience of close collaboration in the field of higher education between the Lama Tsong Khapa Institute and the University of Pisa. The first edition dates back to the A.Y. 2015/1016 and has been running since, with the exception of the A.Y. 2019/2020 due to the Covid 19 pandemic. The Master is aimed at operators in Support Relationships and all those who wish to deepen their knowledge of contemplative practices both from an experiential, theoretical and neuroscientific point of view. The acceptance of the offering recorded an uninterrupted growth in the first four years, reaching a maximum of 65 members and stabilizing around that figure.

The Master's Council is made up of the Director, Prof. Angelo Gemignani, Professors Bruno Neri and Ciro Conversano and the President and Director of the Lama Tzong Khapa Institute, Lucia Landi and Valerio Tallarico.

The Master's course lasts approximately one year, generally starting from the month of March and ending in January of the following year, involving approximately 320 hours of lessons and 150 hours of internship for a total of 60 ECTS. The lessons are mainly in person and usually take place at the Lama Tsong Khapa Institute; approximately 30% of online lessons and a small portion in UniPi classrooms are also planned.

The teaching staff is made up of professors from UniPi and other universities, instructors, masters and teachers of the Lama Tsong Khapa Institute and resident Geshe.

Announcement for the upcoming edition

Per ogni ulteriore informazione è possibile rivolgersi al tutor del master Alessandro Cheli, scrivendo una e-mail a tutorunipi@iltk.it

Starting from the seventh edition (A.Y. 2021/22), every year a residential meeting takes place at the Lama Tsong Khapa Institute. The event is dedicated to former students, with the teachers delivering master classes aimed to update them on new research and scientific discoveries in the fields of neuroscience, meditation and contemplative practices.

Start date
March 5, 2024
Deadline for admission
Submission of admission applications from 07/20/2023 to 02/15/2024

Specialization course – End of Life: states of consciousness, ancient traditions, new therapies – 12 ECTS

Il Corso è rivolto a tutti coloro che operano nel settore dell’assistenza al fine vita e delle cure palliative, ma anche a coloro che desiderano approfondire, sotto diversi aspetti una tematica che induce spesso ad adottare atteggiamenti di rimozione piuttosto che di confronto con quello che si configura come l’ultimo tabu della società occidentale. Il mistero della morte viene affrontato in maniera multidisciplinare da esperti in varie discipline (filosofia, psicologia, neuroscienze, medicina tradizionale e non, antropologia, tanatologia, cure palliative) ed esponenti di tradizioni religiose (Cattolicesimo, Buddhismo).

Il corso si compone di 80 ore di lezioni teoriche, di cui 64 online, 16 in presenza e 32 ore di pratiche esperienziali e laboratorio. Tutte le lezioni in presenza si svolgeranno nel corso di tre week end presso l’Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa.
La finalità del percorso sarà quella di rispondere alle nuove richieste provenienti dalle organizzazioni complesse (Istituti Ospedalieri e Cliniche, Hospice), dai professionisti, dagli studiosi e da tutti coloro si confrontano con la complessa e inevitabilità esperienza della morte. Il corso avrà lo scopo di essere un’occasione di approfondimento culturale e formativo in percorsi quali quelli inerenti le Lauree in Medicina, Psicologia, Filosofia, Neuroscienze e altre professioni sanitarie, presso i quali, previo riconoscimento da parte dei rispettivi Consigli di Corso di Studio, potranno essere utilizzati i 12 CFU acquisiti.

Start date
4 Ottobre 2024
Deadline for admission
16 settembre 2024

Summer School: Consciousness and Cognition – 6 ECTS

The first edition of the School dates back to the summer of 2020 and was held exclusively online due to the Covid 19 pandemic. Subsequent editions were held at the Lama Tsong Khapa Institute with the possibility of attending online as well. The peculiar characteristic of the School is its multidisciplinarity with teaching modules ranging from philosophy to bioengineering, from artificial intelligence to neuroscience, to biosemiotics, to the implications of quantum mechanics and its different interpretations, to contemplative practices.

In addition to the 48 hours of frontal lessons, there are 3 experiential modules of 5 hours each dedicated to concentrated meditation, mindfulness and yoga practices. Students who pass the final test are accredited with 6 ECTS that can be used in any European University.

46 students participated in the latest edition, 30 in person and 16 online, coming from 24 different countries and four continents. The anonymous questionnaire distributed to students recorded 85% Good or Very Good ratings.

Start date
From 31 August to 7 September 2024
Deadline for admission
July 5, 2024

Testimonials on training courses